24th FAA-Asia Pacific Bilateral Partners Dialogue Meeting
06-10 MAY 2024

Time Difference

Denpasar is within Indonesia Central Time Zone and 8 hours earlier than Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+08:00). If you want to know the time in Denpasar now, please click here.

Business Hours

  • Government office: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM local time on weekdays, closed on weekends
  • Banks: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM local time on weekdays, closed on weekends
  • Shopping centres: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM local time
  • Convenience stores: 24 hours open everyday

Currency & Exchange

  • Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) is the official local currency.
  • Foreign currencies can be exchanged at the airport, banks and hotels.
  • Exchange Rate: 1 USD ≈ 15,826 IDR (The exchange rate is subject to change)
  • For the latest exchange rate information, please click here.
  • Use only an authorized money changer, a formal bank or ask your hotel for money exchange and always ask for a receipt. The charge commission is various rate depend on the changers policies, always ask first about their rate offered and charge commission. Avoid changing money in smaller currency exchange offices located within shops.
  • You will need small change in the Indonesia Rupiah for local transport and others.

Credit Card and ATM

  • Visa and MasterCard are the most accepted credit cards in Bali. Only a few hotels and restaurants do take Amex, Diners Club even less. Check with your credit card company for details of other available services.
  • There are many ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) all over the place, especially at shopping centers and bank branches. Most of them are connected to international banking networks. ATMs dispense Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) only, and it comes in either IDR 50,000 and IDR 100,000 notes.

Emergency Phone Numbers

  • Emergency Call Services: 112, Police: 110, and Firefighter: 113
  • Ambulance and Medical Emergencies: 119

Climate and weather

May in Denpasar, Indonesia is a dry season month, with an average temeprature usually between 23°C to 33°C and evenings can be still nicely fresh with an amazing breeze.

Tap Water

Tap water in Bali is not for drink unless explicitly labelled as drinkable. Bottled water is universally available. Just be certain that the bottle has an intact plastic seal.


The power plugs and sockets are of type C and F. The standard voltage is 230 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Medical and Insurance Coverage

The project does not provide medical and insurance cover for the delegates. We recommend that delegates take out necessary insurance in their home country to cover accidents, medical expenses and loss of personal belonging during the visit.