24th FAA-Asia Pacific Bilateral Partners Dialogue Meeting
06-10 MAY 2024

As a General Rule, any foreigner intending to enter Bangladesh requires a Visa from local Indonesia Embassy or Consulate. However, as guidance please follow the information provided below:

1. Visa Applications

  1. If you require a visa, it is recommended that you apply in advance at the Indonesia Embassy or Consulate nearby to obtain your visa prior to departure. More information can be found at https://molina.imigrasi.go.id/.
    The visa application process may take longer in certain countries, therefore, you may consult your local or nearest Indonesia Embassy or Consulate.
  2. Visa support letter will be provided upon request. Such request should be sent to meilani_eka@kemenhub.go.id in the form of an official letter, from Member States/ International Organizations, containing the personal data of the participants, i.e. full name and designation, date of birth, nationality and passport number.

2. Visa-On-Arrival

  1. Citizens of certain countries where there is no local or nearest Indonesia Embassy or Consulate and foreign nationals of Indonesia origin may obtain B4 Visa on Arrival (VoA) for a period of maximum 30 days (extendable for another 30 days) at the international airports and land ports of Indonesia under certain conditions upon examining of their necessary travel documents and on satisfaction of the immigration authority.
  2. If you are not a national of the 9 ASEAN countries or Timor Leste, you need a Visa to enter Indonesia and Bali.
  3. Visa on Arrival costs 500.000 IDR (≈ 31,81 USD)
  4. For Visa-On-Arrival, you are requested to present the following documents:
    1. Passport valid for at least 6 months.
    2. Outbond ticket from Indonesia.
  5. More information regarding Visa on Arrival can be found in here.